Music Technology Group, UPF

This is the accompanying page for the article
M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016).
Through this page you can access the multi-microphone recordings and the annotations which were used in the associated article.

For the denoised recordings, annotations, and Roomsim configuration files on which these audio files are based, please access the webpage.

On this web page we do not provide the original audio files, which can be found at the the webpage hosted by Aalto University. However, with their permission we distribute the denoised versions for some of the anechoic orchestral recordings:
Pätynen, J., Pulkki, V., and Lokki, T., "Anechoic recording system for symphony orchestra," Acta Acustica united with Acustica, vol. 94, nr. 6, pp. 856-865, November/December 2008.
For the intellectual rights and the distribution policy of the audio recordings in this dataset contact Aalto University, Jukka Pätynen and Tapio Lokki. For more information about the original anechoic recordings we refer to the web page and the associated publication

For demonstration purposes, the recordings can be accessed through the associated Repovizz repositories. Additionally, one can load the annotated score, the separated tracks, and the ground truth separation of the tracks for each of the instruments.


HELP: Click on one of the links to access the Repovizz datapacks.